Accelerate the Transition of New Renewable Energy through Optimizing the Role of Youth

Energy Environment

JAKARTA, JAKTIMES.COM- The acceleration of the transition to new and renewable energy in Indonesia needs the support and contribution of young people, considering that the young population now occupies a very large position.

Based on the latest BPS data, the current demographics of youth in Indonesia according to the age range between 16-30 years are 61.8 million people or 24.5% of the total population in Indonesia. Quantitatively, this 24.5% figure is very large.

In addition, starting from 2020 to 2035, Indonesia will enjoy an era called the Demographic Bonus, where the number of productive age in Indonesia is projected to be at the highest graph in the history of this nation, reaching 64% of the total population of Indonesia of 297 million people.

Taking advantage of the demographic bonus, the role of youth in this energy transition is vital. this energy is vital. Indonesia’s potential for renewable energy needs to be managed competently in order to add value to the welfare of the people at large. In line with that, the inclusion of the issue of internal energy transition into one of the topics in Indonesia’s G20 Precedence in 2022. This aims to reduce energy use.

Responding to these opportunities and threats, held an offline seminar with the theme Future of leadership milestone in Energy Transition Indonesia 2022. It was successfully held at the Jakarta Convention Center, Senayan on October 7, 2022 as part of the Indo Water activities. , Indo Waste, Indo Renergy, and Indonesia International Smart City 2022 Expo and Forum.

This forum was attended by various groups ranging from students, government, businessmen and even the general public. I Kadek Alamsta Suarjuniarta, as Founder & CEO of said that to achieve the renewable energy target of 23% by 2025, the role of the younger generation is needed in accelerating the energy transition. The contribution of the younger generation in this regard, the enthusiasm, motivation and innovation that we all need in accelerating the energy transition.

First Marshal of the Indonesian Armed Forces, Ir. Wajariman, M.Sc as Director of Defense Technology and Industry, Ministry of Defense also welcomed this activity. Seeing that there are many parties involved in the seminar this year.

He conveyed that the demographic bonus is a potential that must be prepared for the next twenty to thirty years. Real things that have been done by the Ministry of Defense such as state defense programs, establishing campuses and also outreach to campuses outside the ministry of defense, converting new technology purchased from outside according to the level of personnel capabilities.

The preparation of human resources towards the use of renewable energy starts from an early age. “Just as the BPSDM Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources has done by including curriculum and learning for Polytechnic students. The program from the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources is currently integrated, for formal education it is included in the Polytechnic while for the informal route the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources has collaborated with the Ministry of Manpower to prepare a Job Training Center that provides PLTS (solar panel) training for areas: Aceh, Ambon, East Lombok etc. ”, said Hertiyo Sembodo as Program Coordinator, Cooperation, Evaluation and Quality Assurance of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources.

Not staying silent either, SRE Indonesia continues to encourage public participation to be more concerned and contribute to the future development of renewable energy in Indonesia. “SRE through its programs prioritizes the issue of climate change and renewable energy as a future career. “Through the Hire platform, online learning on the basics of renewable energy is available. In the future, the program will continue to be developed so that it can provide advice on career choices such as becoming a research expert, entrepreneur technician, etc., said Rauf Usman as Chairperson of the Society of Renewable Energy (SRE) Indonesia.

Seminar on Future of leadership milestone in Energy Transition Indonesia 2022 is the first forum/seminar held by This year involved 17 partners from various circles ranging from the government to media companies, including: Ministry of Defense, Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, SRE Indonesia, Indonesian Smart Network Initiative (PJCI), Good news from Indonesia, Goodside, Beritalingkungan. com,,,,,,,,, Petrominer and Napindo media ashatama (Wan)

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