DKI Sports and Youth Agency Supports Ministry of Youth and Sports’ Policy to Make Gymnastics Compulsory in Schools

Jakarta Sport

JAKARTA, JAKTIMES.COM – The Jakarta Provincial Government through the Sports and Youth Agency (Dispora) is ready to support the policy of the Minister of Youth and Sports of the Republic of Indonesia, Dito Ariotedjo, to make gymnastics a mandatory sport in schools.

Tedi Cahyono, the Head of the Sports Cultivation Division at the Jakarta Sports and Youth Agency, stated that the agency welcomes and is prepared to support the implementation of this policy in schools within the Jakarta area.

“We strongly support this policy because gymnastics is an easily accessible sport that can be done anywhere and anytime, including in schools,” said Tedi Cahyono on Sunday (9/7).

Tedi added that if gymnastics is practiced regularly and in a measured manner, it can improve the main components of students’ fitness, such as aerobic endurance, strength, flexibility, coordination, and more.

Additionally, Tedi mentioned that schools can serve as a platform and a driving force in motivating and guiding students, especially at a young age, to have a mindset that promotes sports as a lifestyle inseparable from daily life.

To implement this policy, Tedi stated that the government needs to collaborate with various stakeholders to increase community participation in sports, including in schools.

“The public’s awareness of engaging in sports contributes to the development of individuals and communities who are intelligent, healthy, skilled, resilient, competitive, prosperous, and dignified,” said Tedi.

According to Tedi, the Jakarta Sports and Youth Agency will show support for this policy by organizing a program to provide certified gymnastics instructors. These instructors will serve as gymnastics ambassadors who educate students on basic movements and improvise movements from various types of gymnastics.

“Equally important, we will coordinate with the Department of Education and the Student Sports Development Agency of Indonesia (Bapopsi) to optimize the implementation of Physical Education in schools, including in intracurricular, extracurricular, and co-curricular activities, so that Physical Education can be conducted at least three times a week,” emphasized Tedi.

The Jakarta Education Agency (Disdik) also provides the same support. Acting Head of the Jakarta Education Agency, Purwosusilo, stated that they fully support the policy of making gymnastics compulsory in schools. This policy is necessary to cultivate a clean and healthy lifestyle.

“Disdik DKI encourages all educators, educational staff, and students to engage in gymnastics together at least once a week. Gymnastics content is already integrated into the physical education curriculum at all levels of schooling,” added Purwosusilo (Wan)

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