Israel Bombs Gaza, FORHATI National Holds Fundraising for Palestinian Residents

International Jakarta

Photo Caption: Coordinator of the FORHATI National Presidium, Cut Emma Mutia Ratna Dewi, during the launch of the Palestinian Solidarity Action and Fundraising event organized by FORHATI National at the KAHMI Center, Kebayoran Baru, South Jakarta (10/25/2023). Photo: Marwan Azis/

JAKARTA, JAKTIMES.COM – Several organizations in Indonesia are mobilizing humanitarian funds for the residents of Gaza, Palestine.

One of them is the Forum of Female Alumni of the Islamic Student Association (FORHATI) National, which has successfully collected Rp 45 million for the Palestinian solidarity action today.

“At first, this idea emerged from the coordinator of the presidium, along with the National FORHATI Presidium, because after receiving news about the inhumane treatment of Palestinian residents, we could not remain silent. So, I, as the General Treasurer, took the initiative to open a donation drive by distributing flyers to FORHATI colleagues and KAHMI colleagues. Up to today, we have collected 45 million in donations,” said Drh. Baiq Yunita Arisandi, Chair of the Palestinian Solidarity Action and Fundraising Committee for FORHATI National at the KAHMI Center, Kebayoran Baru, South Jakarta (10/25/2023).

According to Baiq Yunita, this humanitarian fundraising for Palestine is conducted in stages. “We will keep it open until October 29 to encourage more friends and fellow countrymen to contribute to the Palestinian people,” said the HMI Denpasar Branch alumnus during the Palestinian Solidarity Action and Fundraising event by FORHATI National at the KAHMI Center, South Jakarta.

The funds collected will be directed to the Palestinian people in Gaza through the Al Quds Foundation. “We will channel our assistance through the Al Quds Foundation,” she added.

The event was attended by Coordinator of the FORHATI National Presidium Cut Emma Mutia Ratna Dewi and members of the Presidium, including Wa Ode Nurhayati, Jamilah Abdul Gani, Anita Aryani, and Sri Novakandi, Secretary General of MN Kahmi Syamsul Qomar, as well as representatives from the Al Quds Foundation and other invited guests.

Cut Emma Mutia Ratna Dewi, the Coordinator of FORHATI National, also expressed her sentiments. She stated that this solidarity action arose from the sympathy and empathy that the FORHATI National felt for the condition of the Palestinian people.

“The current situation in Palestine requires our assistance. Prayer is the highest form of help, but there must be a concrete effort to alleviate the burden of our Palestinian brothers and sisters,” she said.

She explained that the humanitarian fundraising for the Palestinian people was spontaneous, with no long-term preparations, but it is a concrete step to help the Palestinian people. They have collaborated with the Al Quds Foundation to deliver aid to the Palestinian people.

Meanwhile, the Secretary General of the National Assembly (MN) of the Alumni Corps of the Islamic Student Association (KAHMI), Syamsul Qomar, appreciates FORHATI’s initiative for the social action of FORHATI National to alleviate the burden of the Palestinian people.

He stated that from the beginning of Israel’s invasion of Gaza, which has resulted in a humanitarian tragedy, MN Kahmi has already issued press statements strongly condemning Israel’s invasion of Palestine. This is because it is a commandment of the 1945 Constitution and is based on the spirit of brotherhood among fellow Muslims.

Palestine was the first country to recognize Indonesia’s independence, so it is only fitting that we assist Palestine. The burden on the Palestinian people is currently very heavy, not only for Muslims but also for Christians and Jews.

“An activity like this may seem small to us, but the Palestinian people have been eagerly waiting for this assistance. It is desperately needed. For days, the people in Gaza have not had protection, electricity, food supplies, and the internet has been cut off. We hope this aid can reach the people of Palestine,” he said.

He emphasized that humanitarian aid to the Palestinian people should be continuously provided as an expression of solidarity among Muslims. This is not only based on Islamic principles but also on the basis of humanity, as what is happening in Palestine is a humanitarian tragedy.

However, it is regrettable that some countries support Israel in its attacks on Palestine, such as the United States and Europe.

“The true terrorists are those who support Zionist Israel in occupying Palestinian land,” he emphasized.

Bilal Al Habil, a resident of Gaza who attended the event, stated that for the past 19 days, the Zionist Israeli army has been bombing Gaza, resulting in over 7,000 martyrs and more than 18,000 wounded. Many of the casualties are children, and there are even many babies just a few months old. Israel is targeting Gaza residents for death.

“Electricity, water, and the internet have been cut off. The humanitarian aid that entered yesterday was only 20 trucks, whereas, in times of peace, 500 trucks enter. Twenty trucks are not enough. All hospitals have stopped operating, including the Indonesian Hospital in Gaza, which was bombed on the second day of Israel’s invasion of Gaza. Up to now, Gaza residents are still being bombed. In one night, 700 martyrs died, and most of them were children,” Bilal said. Currently, Bilal is completing his master’s degree at ITB Bandung.

Bilal stated that for the past two weeks, he has been unable to contact his relatives and parents in Gaza due to the power and internet outages in Gaza.

He asked the Indonesian people to continue to pray for the people of Palestine in Gaza, so that they may always be protected by Allah SWT. (Marwan Azis)

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